

ADDA11 is a aggregator business. It provides business to its registered offline store. It may be any product or service; it may be urban or rural area. It may be small market or big market. It may be small store or big store.

After giving business Adda11 is also taking certain commission against its provided business. Commission is variable for each category of store. Ex. grocessary-2%, garments-4%, Gold-1%, any service-10% But Adda11 is distributing its 96% commission to its user through a systematic cash back plan.

Anybody can be an user of Adda11 by providing only name, mobile number. No registration fees, no renewal, no mandatory purchase has needed for getting any benefits. To get cash back benefits user has only to give id number to store owner.

User can earn lots of benefit here in Adda11 platform.

Spot cashback: 2% TO 50% Spot Cashback from your own Expenditure from Adda11 listed Offline or online Store.

 User Referral Bonus: Each user will get commission from his referral teams Spot Cashback through Adda11 listed store till 6th level. (1 st Level 10% , 2nd Level 2%, 3rd level 3%, 4th level 4%, 5th level 5% and 6th level 6%).

 Project Name: ADDA11
 GST No: 06CKPPD2024Q1ZX
 Registration Year: 2019
 Regd Office Address: 417, FARIDPUR,KARNAL, HARYANA,132114.
 Corporate Address:- Khanna  ROAD, Gohana mode,Near DN Hospital,PANIPAT, HARYANA 132103, INDIA.